So I watched "Brynhilde in the Darkness" recently, pic related, the Ain Soph Aur, what I described earlier in
>>247417590 >>247417695 >>247418614 >>247419329 >>247420158 as the "light/energy/potential of God"
Here it is a mechanism used by "ayys"
>>247398780 >>247399071 >>247399132 >>247399290 >>247399387 to kill off all of humanity so the evil guys (which breed witches by planting "ayys" into girls) to create a race of superhumans, transhumanism, ascending through some experiments/knowledge, basically luciferianism
>>9762172Blue is generally said to be protective, like the blue eye muslims hang on the wall to fend off the „evil eye“ someone does when noone looks to curse them. The buddhist also have the blue eye in the hand as a protective symbol. IIRC its associeted with divinity, like the sky is blue, the colour of the heavens. And this, the protection and divinity
is applied now to kikes, so the chance is there that its a psyop
>>9762173Dont watch porn mate