I. Garden of Eden: God splits Adam into man and woman. Both told by God not to eat from Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Snake in garden Eve to do it so her "eyes will be opened and she will be like God." They eat and become conscious. Death enters world because of lack of trust in God. They put on clothes (animal skins) to cover nakedness (layer of death to protect from death).
II. Cain and Abel - sons of Adam and Eve. Cain kills Abel because he's better than him. Cain tells God he's not his brother's keeper when God asks where Abel is. Cain becomes oldest ancestor of the world.
III. Noah - Flood story. World was so wicked God restarted it. Noah and his three sons survive on an ark.
IV. Abraham - Old guy who is a multigenerational descendent of Caine. God tells him and his old, barren wife they will have a child. Sarah laughs. It happens. Abraham is told by God his seed will create the Jewish people.
V. Isaac, son of Abraham - Wrestles with God, has two children-Jacob and Esau.
VI. Jacob tricks father Isaac into thinking he's Esau when Isaac is very old, so he can get his father's blessing
VII. Jacob has 12 sons, they're kings of Israel so to speak
VIII. More timeline shit, Moses frees Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
IX. Bunch of historical shit that doesn't matter. Judges and Prophets. Book of Job, guy who suffers but never loses trust in God. Other Books like Psalms
X. Joseph father of Christ is born from this timeline
Will type out NT now