>>19365148>"So that's where we're at. One of my best friends might either be in trouble or might've just been convinced that I'm her enemy and she should be friends with the woman who put me in the hospital, and I've got an all-powerful ghost hell-bent on torturing me and my new girlfriend and no way of fighting back against it whatsoever. And now I'm worried that another one of my best friends is caught in it too. Meanwhile, I've got a powerful new friend, and a big opportunity on my plate, but that comes with some heavy baggage and believe me, I get the feeling there's even more baggage that I don't even know about. Some days, that plane ticket back to Arkansas that Colbers keeps offering me sounds really damn good.">"Priscilla Divine, one-on-one, for the world title? Win, lose, or draw, I can deal with that, easy. Especially when you've got my back, Coach.">"But I don't know about this other shit."Carmody looks at Ash and tries to smile, but she's obviously rattled by all this. She just gives a little shrug and shakes her head.