>>4223846He is the 45th President of the United States of America (a whole lot of people don't like that though). The only possible way to oust a standing US president is first, after a lengthy process in courts, prove that he has committed a crime during the run for office in the 2016 election or committed a crime since becoming standing president from Jan. 20 2017 onward. The Legislative branch is the only branch with the power to impeach a standing US president. This is a part of the checks and balances of the US government. If the president has been found guilty by the Supreme Court of the USA of committing a crime during the election run or after Jan. 20 2017, then the process of impeachment may be activated by the Senate and Congress. In which a vote must be held, 42nd US President Bill Clinton was indicted on a crime committed in office,including sexual harassment and lying to the US public and federal US prosecutors and investigators. However, he avoided impeachment narrowly in the vote in Congress, having less than just 10 votes away from impeachment (every single Democrat in the Senate voted on his side). Therefore he was acquitted and continued the last year of his presidency. The process is long and arduous.