>>17605660I'll take the bait. Why not.
I'm a biologist, so i can give you the tl:dr on the science aspect of it all.
A female is an individual with the developmental and genetic makeup which predisposes them to produice large gametes.
This is the general definition. It is not determined by hormones, or even by chromosomes. Not primarily. For instance D. melanogaster has X and Z chromosomes.
In the end however, your chromosomal makeup will decide your sex determination and dosage compensation mechanism, by which your development will be determined. The predisposition to produice large or small gametes (which is the key determinant of sex) developes during an early embryonic stage in which your germcells differentiate. You form early undevided poliploid oocytes (which will contain nurse cells) OR you produice spermatocytes wich later will form sperm.
So you are what you were as an embyo there is no way to change that.
I can carve an apple to look like a grape, it will still be an apple.
Now let's move on to the science of gender disphoria. There is no neurodevelopmental or brain structural difference between the brain of some one suffering from gender disphoria and some one of the same birth sex who is not. This clearly demonstrates, that gender dysphoria is not a developmental disorder, nor is it physiologycal. It is psychologycal.
Gender disphoria, a psychological disorder being treated with invasive surgery instead of psychiatric help is exploitative, barbaric, it is motivated by politics and money, and the future will look back at it and this era of medicine as brabaric.
Pic related, your sex is determined and irreversible by this point.