>>9175492This is skewed document going over its history, but it is rewritten by the evil Yosho's mind control powers to make him appear more innocent.
yosho is merely a pawn of red yosho, although yosho thinks he has righteous goals, the time machine plan was prepared by red yosho because he knew that only spikeman's empire would be able to fight off and close the heck portal. therefore he tricked yosho, a misguided hero, into traveling to 1999 to stop spikeman
and red yosho is a pawn of dr.kawashima who is using him as a vessel to carry out his plans.
spikemans goal was to unify the world not destroy it- only under spikeman's irom fist the world could be saved from the coming heck invasion prepared by red yosho who would soon open the portal allowing dr.kawashima to control the mortal realm.
When yosho traveled to 1999 and ate spikeman the world was destabilized resulting in many splits and conflicts such as the orthodox yosho clan (lead by blue yosho) fighting the reformed yosho clan (lead by yellow), flube wars, and spikeman loyalist(remnants) attacking after the assasination of their leader.
spikeman isn't ebil, just misunderstood.
Spikeman's empire would be the only timeline able to fight off red yosho.
this theory must be included for it is the truth.
This is the short version of course.