>>21791403>>21791406>>21791412The most hilarious thing about this Cuckoldry is that according to Sanchuniathon, Teshub/Baal/Demarus/Zeus is also a son of Alalu-Anu/Ilib/Epigeius-Autochthon/Ophion-Okeanos-Uranus like Kumarbi/El/Elus-Kronos-Moloch/Saturn (which makes perfect sense since Zeus comes from PIE Dyḗus ph2tḗr, which is the Sky Father as well as Uranus), who handed him to be raised by Dagon/Zeus Arotrios (Enki/Thoth/Hermes/Odin) after he castrated Uranus. In other words, he castrated his own brother and on top of that he fucked his mother, who he had taken as his wife by him, humiliating her along with him.
To tell the truth, even Ophion-Okeanos-Uranus is the brother of Saturn and Zeus since they are all children of Gaia/Asherah, who is said in some versions to have become Rhea/Cybele, the wife of Saturn, and Hera/Dione, the ancient Titan mother/wife/daughter of Ophion-Okeanos-Uranus (Eurynome) who was the mother of Aphrodite, who Zeus tried to fuck and of her Semen arose the Centaurs (who in other accounts are children of Saturn, or Ixion and a copy of Hera made of clouds called Nephele, who Zeus created when Ixion drunkenly came on to his wife), whose constellation Centaurus and Sagittarius were sacred to Ninurta.