>>10046463Jesus, the Apostles, Jewish Christians, and Prophets were not one of (((them))). The (((Jews))) that you know of were the Molech, Baal, Ashrah worshippers who eventually became the Pharisees and Saducees and followers. Jesus was an Israelite.
What made Israelites unique from all other races/nationalities in the world was their lineage. They could almost all trace their lineage back to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Jesus lineage in Matthew and Luke went as far back to Adam himself. In 70AD the Romans ransacked Jerusalem in what is known as the Seige of Jerusalem of 70AD where the Romans attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and all archived genealogies. After this, no Israelite on Earth could trace their lineages back anymore and all true Israelites disbanded throughout the Earth. The Age of Israel was over.
The 1st Century Christians were not concerned with liberating Israel. This was obvious because Jesus predicting the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD at the hands of The Roman Empire. This was God letting the Jews know he was done with them. Not only did they destroy the temple but all the records of Jewish genealogy going back to Abraham himself. No Jew on Earth could prove their lineage after that anymore. The Age of Israel was over and remained over to this day.
The (((Israel))) and (((Jews))) that you know of today are not the continuation of that Israel up above. They are descendants of Talmudism which descendend from Babylonian Mysticism. The Israel and Jews you are resisting today are the Synagogue of Satan. (((Christians))) are also a part of them as well.