CHECK OUT ALL THE *ABSOLUTE NOTHING* THAT YONKERS HAS PRODUCED, and is PLANNING to produce: claims he has oodles of endless projects/companies/corporations/enterprises/studios/networks/logos/concepts/pilots/shows/TV series/films/movies/characters/music/countries/languages/towns he is planning/has planned, none of which will ever see/have ever seen the light of day - simply because THEY DO NOT ACTUALLY EXIST, except only in his own mind!!!
Here are Yonkers ‘art’ projects that were announced, not started on, nor ever finished nor produced:
“Nothing Go” (2020-2021)
“Nothing To Do” (2020)
“Lole News” (2020)
“Fakaru” (2019-2020)
“Tata! The Amazing Anime” (2018)
“Desu Start” (2019)
Book / Anime (nd.)
“Laurel and the Magic Star” (2020)
Conceptual (2021)
“Mackzone” (2021)
“Nothing Go: the Movie” (2020-21)
“Mittens: What's That, Adventure?” (Translated Japanese direct-to-video movie)
“OMG!” (2020 series)
“Shut Up!” (Web series for Pocket original)
“Schmoler Records”
“Nothing Go: the Movie”
“Mittens: What's That, Adventure?” (Translated Japanese direct-to-video movie)
“OMG!” (2020 series)
“Shine the Light” (2022)
NB. “Woody” is now “Jaydane Studios” is now “Macker Studios” is now “Lole Entertainment” is now “LoleKCX”... NONE OF WHICH HAVE EVER ACTUALLY EXISTED!
I want to go on with this, but - what's the point? You get the idea... none of this actually exists, except in Yonker's deluded imagination.
FACT - Yonkers has produced and completed NONE of the works he has claimed he has created.
Jordan Rivera: What an absolutely lazy unproductive deluded fantasist.