>>10643043 >caN EtHicS eVER asPIRE TO bE A rIGOROUS ACadEmIC dISCiPLiNe THat deLiVerS AN impaRtIaL PeRspEctiVE eMBracIng the InTeREsts Of aLL SENTiEnT lIfE: The WELL beInG Of POsTHumaN, hUMAN aND non-huMAN aNimalS; HyPoThETIcal Extra-terresTRiAl lIFE, fUTurE "CybORGS", anD ARtiFIcIaL LifE alIkE? Or WILL EthicS ALwaYs SErVe TO RaTiOnALIzE the sElf-InTerEst Of tHE WoRlD’S mOst POweRfUL lIFeFoRmS?