>>12926386Dis homo is too cute and sweet. All bois must stay far away from him or he'll be a big pervy creep to you. Same with girls.
>>12926387>you+me would be opababababababa you can't stuff like that like you know me so well.
I'll change and adapt to whatever you throw at me.
>>12926388You are working very hard to appeal to my tastes now.
Imagine if we were walking down the same hallway at the same time :3
I got lucky with you. Unfortunately you kinda went broke with me. You bet on the wrong horse bae and now you have to ride it :3
>>12926389He wasn't.
>Normie I don't give a flying fuck that you fool around with queers. The only person who cares is jesus and you turned your back on him a long time ago. Just don't talk about it like some kind of bubbling faggot you see at those disgusting pride parades and if I ever see you at one I'm going to beat you senseless. You keep that shit between you and whoever you're doing stuff with. I've never tried to suck my dads dick because that's disgusting. Wow you have some weird fetishes.