>>21995717As an advanced bonus step to add extra punch, complexity and range to your "personalized cologne", you can seed the balm with microorganisms from your skin and sweat, specifically sweat produced by the apocrine glands of your anogenital region, and then age the jarred salve in the fridge for a week while burping the jar every 2-3 days.
Masturbate until your taint gets sweaty (might as well finish and collect the extra semen for a future batch too). Then, take a dull butter knife or spoon and (gently!!) scrape the sweat off of your perineum and off the back of your scrotum, then stir it into the mixture (this works even better if you haven't showered for at least a few days beforehand).
It may not be much sweat, but the natural flora it contains will quickly reproduce in the nutrient-rich slurry over the course of a week in the fridge until it reaches population equilibrium, producing more heady, masculine and pungent aromas due to the fermentation process and the offgassing of ketones, aldehydes, and other unique volatile compounds and pheromones that differ depending on your genetic makeup and immune profile.
Now, enjoy getting swarmed everywhere you go. The payoff is more than worth all of the effort and preparation, it's incredible.