>>16673580>just comes off as mean to me to think taking away that one thing they have from a person would be justit might be unpleasant but if it needs to be done it wouldnt be unjust, its like if someone always went to pig out whenever they feel bad, it might help them numb the feelings but if you let them go on that way it'll seriously fuck up their health, no need to list the infinite ways obesity decreases quality of life and increases morbidity but i think it's funny that wikipedia lists "buried penis" as one of the risks of obesity and even has a page for it
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity#Morbidity didn't think "bured penis" was an actual medical condition but i guess it makes sense, anyway you get the idea, it would be unjust to sit idly and let a fatass you care about destroy their body, although yea cold turkey probably helps very very few, i wonder what research says about it, but my point was never about that anyway, it was more about detaching from a deceptively positive mechanism that certainly causes or facilitates bigger negatives longterm and that detachment process is often gradual, also yea you cant force people to change but i think it's immoral to see someone you care about going down a bad road and do absolutely nothing, obviously specifics matter here but going back to the fatass, you could bring up the topic of their health once in a while and avoid encouraging their vice by declining if they invite you to buffets, it'd be important that you make it clear you're doing these things because you care about them and not because you're being a controlling asshole but idk i mean by definition it is kinda "controlling" because you're attempting to influence their behavior but you're always influencing someone's behavior whenever you do interact with them anyway but "controlling" depends more on the degree and the means and intention but the degree and intention are subjective so it can easily be subject to misinterpretation clim