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>who will win this conflict
Well In my honest opinion the frog posters have the advantage. They are more numerous, and charasmatic. High quality charasmatic bant posters like Slovakia have switched their allegiance to frog cord and there is no reason to believe that there arent more soon to come. Frogposters are also less hated, and are usually just ignored by neutral bant posters who dont like their threads, mean while anime posting circlejerks are constantly being derailed by posters like brazil and fagmark with nigger gore and scat. They are also use identifiers or will usually have rare flags making them super easy to filter. Frog posters are also somewhat indestructible. They will constantly try to make themselves look bad for lols, deliberately derail their own threads and generally put low investment into posting, and still they have managed to take over the entire site. They dont get mad and they arent trollable like the anime posting bloggers. However there is one advantage that the anime blogposters have and that is coordination. There is a chance that they could use discord to their advantage and bump their own threads. They dont have lives so its possible that with dedication and team work they can take over bant again like they did in 2020, or 2021. In the next few months bant will be pretty simular to qa in 2021 where it is a sea of derivative frog threads with some self obsessed narc anime poster talking about themselves scattered across. Then seeing the black hole that aryan chad left, more narcsisstic attention whores like stella and DT will try and become epic bant celebrities causing frogposters and anti attention whore posters like niggergore spammers to double town on their own posting style, and we will see a massive war break out. It could be entertaining but I will continue to filter anime blogposters, and ignore frogthreads unless they say something funny or interesting
Moral of the story: 4chan x is amazing