>>21677948Thats because you dont understand what the Sun is or how it works.
let me clue you in.
basically electric currents create the galaxies and the stars within those galaxies via the electromagnetic z-pinch effect.
It is a logical extrapolation to propose that these currents, once having formed the stars, continue to supply electrical energy to them.
Galactic currents have low current densities (the number of Amps per square meter of the flow’s cross-section are low), but because the sizes of the stars are large the total stellar input current (total Amperage) to each of them is high.
the Sun receives a fairly steady electrical input from the galactic currents that we now know exist in our Milky Way and other galaxies and the Sun sits at the focus of not only the orbits of each of its planets but also a huge plasma cloud.
Astronomers call it a ‘bubble.’ It is properly termed a plasmasphere
Because of its size, the Sun has a large electric capacitance (ability to hold charge).
This capacitance receives charge from cosmic currents that exist in our arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
The Sun thus exhibits a relatively high voltage.
Electrical power (in Watts) is equal to the product of voltage (in Volts) times current (in Amperes).
and the Sun’s voltage, multiplied by the total value of the current coming toward it, is sufficient to produce the Sun’s observed power output. therefore conclusion is that the Sun is powered by its galactic environment, not from within itself.