>>14347530WRONG memeflag, quit trying to invert histort to fit your edomite narrative
it is easy to understand this quickly once you have all the parts.
So Satan and the angels had a part in creating mankind (Iysh) (Mortals)
Yahweh was not happy with their creation so he took one of their creation and breathed his spirit into him.
He loved this man Adam more than the angels and this made some of the angels insane and they rebelled.
One of the angles Sammeal tried to corrupt Yahwah's new creation by seducing Eve.
She gave birth to Cain who is half fallen angel, half Adamkind.
Cain is thrown out of the garden for murdering his brother Abel and LYING to Yahwehs face about it.
Cain goes to the other Iysh (Mortals) and marrys a woman and founds a city.
His tribe is called the Kennites.
Later Noah finds out that his son Ham slept with his wife and his baby Canaan was not really his.
So he throws Cannan out and Cannan goes and marrys into the serpent seedline (Kennites) and creates the Canaanites.
Later Abraham's son Esau goes off and marrys into the Cannanite tribes and forms the Edomites.
The Edomites overtake Judea in 135 BC and kill the Last High Priest and King of Isreal,-John Hyrcanus 2 in 35BC.
They then take over the religion and temples and called themselves Israel.
That is who the Jews are.
Satan > Kennites >Caananites > Edomites > Jews