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jusht can't take it naw mawwe. Thish bawawd i witewawwnye jusht fuckinw anime, wanyepwawshtinw, pwedawsh, fuwwiesh, impwtwashh and wewd shhit. De vawietnye it ushed taw have it'sh wawne aww pwwettnye much awmawsht nawn-exishtant.
it washn't ushed taw be wike thish. /bant/ wash actuawwnye da fun pwwace taw be with aww itsh awcsh, memesh excwushive awf /bant/, and vawietnye awf shhitpwawshtsh. De cawmfnyeneshsh and fun it had it'sh wawne. De ushewsh that made awcsh and made thish pwwace fun awe aww wawne. Naww we awnwnye have de shame shhit awvew and awvew and awvew awain.
shewiawushwnye, dawn't nyeawu fuckewsh wet tiwed and annawnyeed awf dawinw theshe aww de time? ish thish what nyeawu aww fuckinw wanted? daw nyeawu aww wanted thish bawawd taw becawme what it ish naww? da shtawe pwwace whewe when pweawpwwe pwawsht awthew thinwsh (nyeawu knaww, what made thish bawawd actuawwnye wweat) awe nawt wewcawme and iwnawwed? i shewawushwnye jusht can't fuckinw undewshtand haww cawuwd nyeawu ashshhawwesh actuawwnye enjawnye dawinw thish.
funnnye thinw abawut thish, when /bant/ wash fiwhtinw awainsht fwawwpwawshtewsh wash faww thish exact weashawn, taw nawt make /bant/ da shtawe pwwace whewe nyeawu awnwnye pwawshted da dead meme wike pwepwe de fwaww. But thish bawawd ish naww that, da shtawe pwwace whewe jusht anime, wewd shhit, wanyepwawshtinw, twapwsh, etc. ish naww jusht pwawshted and theshe thweadsh awe de awnwnye awnesh wettinw bumpwed.
if thish ish shewiawushwnye what nyeawu aww wanted, then i'm awut awf thish bawawd fawwevew, aww weww, at weasht faww da wawnw time and wiww cawme back jusht taw shee haww'sh it dawinw, but i dawubt it wiww be annye diffewent.
i mean, fuck, naww i'm sheeiinw what mawsht pweawpwwe shaw abawut thish bawawd shince de vewnye bewinninw, thewe wash witewawwnye naw weashawn faww thish bawawd taw be cweated, what nyeawu aww awe dawinw awe de thinwsh that ushewsh at /twashh/ pwawsht, whnye nawt ushinw that bawawd inshtead?