>>1725654>Game of Thrones>redpilledThe pet characters of the kike writers are Daenerys the STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN and her awful mystery meat mulatto chick.
The show has been declining in quality for a while now, but it's been especially bad during these last two seasons, when the (((writers))) started getting more autonomy in writing their own story. That's when they went full-retard with the feminism and YASS QUEEEN SLAAAAY bullshit.
The entirety of last season felt like an extended advertisement for Hillary's campaign. "isn't it time we had a womyn in charge? :^)"
This season opened up with YASS QUEEN and FUTURE FACE OF AMERICA MULATTO CHICK talking about how problematic the valyrian language is for misgendering her
Last episode had an obvious soapbox moment where strong independent mulatto chick says that her culture has no concept of marriage or bastards and that they're great because they have free love (wow, sounds liberating! yass queen!)