>>2664086been on /bant/ since day 1,
it's sad to see the board descend into anime spam
that's not the only problem with /bant/ but it's mainly what I see now
when /bant/ first started there were cirno/anime posters, but it was never spammed...
and also people were actually drawing cirno in ms.paint, not just posting an image from /jp/
I miss early /bant/, when shitposters were making original/creative threads
sure, it was shit at times, but even the forced memes had merit -made you laugh occasionally
at least there was an attempt to break away from the cancer ruining other boards
but it feels like there was a flood of anime posters from other boards that came to /bant/
making anime threads because they are anime posters; it cheapened /bant/
if I wanted to browse anime shitposts I'd just go to a handful of other boards that do it better
and I think that's why a lot of good posters left
anyways, fast forward to now and it's really gotten out of control
/bant/ needs to regain independence
but I guess every single even remotely random board on 4chan will succumb to this kind of cancer, I just wished we'd had more time..