>>9204530hell exists but it is not forever, eternal torment contradicts Gods word, Gods standard of Justice is an eye for an eye, not an eye for eternity. Jesus did not suffer eternal damnation for sins, Jesus simply died. If eternal damnation is the wages of sin Jesus didn't pay it. It took Jesus 6 hours on a cross to pay for all the sins in the universe, past present and future. If it took Jesus 6 hours to pay for the sins of the world, and you will only have to pay for your own sins, you probably even wont last 10 minutes before you are turned to ash (die). If it ended for Jesus is will end for you. An eye for an eye is Gods standard of Justice. There is only a finite amount of sin.
the trinity is a lie, if Jesus is God he can never die, people who believe in the trinity dont really believe in death or that Jesus can die but that his body died, this denies the gospel. Jesus is not God, he is Gods son. as his son he can die. Think about this , if the trinity is true where was the God part of Jesus? A triune god cannot become a binitarian God and then God back to a triune godhead. The whole thing exists to make sure you never believe in the death of Jesus.
free will is a lie, God chooses who gets saves and when. This is important because it changes who is the savior. Let us say free will is true, then it is you who save yourself. Jesus may do 99 percent of the work. But it is the 1% that you do that saves you. You are the real savior, 99 % percent is not enough to save, it is you who contribute the actual bit of work that saves. This is salvation by willpower, not by faith. This is having faith in faith and not having faith in Jesus.
If there is no free will and God chooses who gets saved and when then God saves. Jesus doesn't just try to save you, he actually saves you 100%. You contribute nothing. Jesus saves!