>>14411968>However, are you a /fit/ chad anon? If not, you are in no position to argue.Yep.
Low value men only have the option of taking what they can get, which is exactly what they deserve. No qualms there.
High value men have no reason to settle for some 25+ roastie. All else being equal, an 18 year old is a more valuable and better partner than a 28 year old, no matter what, without exception. The 18 year old is younger and easier to guide into being a good partner, will have better skin and better health for having not been alive as long and not getting as much sun exposure, and has more years for viably having children.
There are no advantages to dating older, unless you're looking for a woman to be your breadwinner, in which case... well, by all means, have at it. It's certainly possible for a successful relationship like that, it's just extremely rare. For men who actually have value though and make their own way in life, it's not a factor, so the younger woman is the better choice.