>>14319034>implying /pol/ is one personWe shouldn't hate anyone for their race, but don't confuse calling people's group behavior out as hating someone for their race.
Everyone who says this must not read the bible where in the new testament Paul is talking about Crete.
Paul has strong words against the people of Crete, generalizing them has liars and thieves.
>A WHOLE group of people he called out>A WHOLE populationAnyone who says we can't call out a city's problems, a county's problems, or a people's problems are wrong.
Our motivation should be to call it out and try to pull those we can out of it, all done out of love for those people's salvation to Jesus Christ.
But even if someone isn't doing that, there is nothing wrong with recognizing a group of people accept criminal behavior more than others.
/pol/ is extremely diverse and frankly welcoming to all races so long as they're not acting stupid or nefarious.
Lots of banter here though and real anger towards people who make regular people's lives hard. But the point still stand.
Almost everyone here doesn't hate someone just for their race
>inb4 "hurr I hate them!" trollingnewfags buy it every time