>>16035200It has green pepper. Which already makes it inedible, also. God I hate green peppers. Just how does anybody enjoy them? I seriously don't understand how they became a household item, started getting added into every single people cook, and people act like they aren't absolute garbage. Is there anybody in this world who finds green peppers to be delicious? I don't believe that. How even? It has no real taste. It's like a bitter piece of paper. Except, no, not even that, because I think even paper would taste better than green pepper. It tastes like a bitter egg shell would, and nothing more. It's not like I haven't tried it, unlike all the other foods that I hate with all my being, I've actually tasted green pepper on multiple occasions, and the latest time wasn't long at all ago, and I still genuinely can't comprehend how the fuck anybody likes it. It's SO bad. It ruins everything that it gets added into, yet people like to put it in everything.
It's like a cigarette, actually. I've smoked cigarettes in only two occasions in my life, and I can very confidently compare the taste I got in my mouth afterward to how eating green pepper feels like. Disgusting. I really need somebody to explain to me how anyone eats green peppers. It can't only be me. Is there something wrong with my taste buds? Because nobody ever talks about this, like, everybody carries on like eating green peppers is normal. Are they actually the best tasting thing ever, and it's that I have a problem with my tongue? But that's far-fetched, so, still, they're just fucking terrible. I refuse to eat salads because they have green peppers in them, not because I'm so picky, but because it genuinely makes it inedible for me. If I was literally starving to death, let's say that I'm about to die if I get no food for another hour, and I had a plate of salad dropped at my feet with green peppers in it, I would, character limit.