Worked 8 years for the same company as a software dev
When I got there, bosses would openly catcalls girls walking past his window. Each employee had a full cubicle to help with concentration and you couldn't see any coworkers if needed
Then it started with removing our cubicles with 'teams cubicles' it sucked but it wasn't that bad.
Then bosses that were ok with the 'no questions asked if job done' got the boot and were replaced with a team of effiminate men (big red flag, if your management is filled with wimps). I'm sure you guys love your scrutum masters. They're so agile
Then our team cubicles got removed we were in 'public offices' so everyone can see what everyone is doing. It felt like a college class and I hated it but the pay was decent and I was new in the corporate world
Then our public offices were too big, so we had even smaller places
Then we moved offices for even more open offices
Then covid happened and we worked from home. Which was ok for the first few weeks then I realised that bosses expect MORE WORK during these times
The final touch, imposing new tasks on good employees so the product owner can clean his place while the good devs work even more. And the fact I had more bosses than colleague was a serious sign for me to just leave and let the brainless fools deal with it all
To answer OP: I started acting like a total prick at work which gave me a few weeks of pay and was able to leave with a severence packages. If you plan on leaving work, try getting cut-off for covid reasons that way you get a nice bonus paycheck when you leave the job.
Today the rest of my team works from home overtime trying to catch up my load. Not my problems anymore