>>10001158>Above all, a balance must be struck in education between intellectual instruction and physical development. What is called a Gymnasium or secondary school today is a mockery of the Greek school it was supposedly modeled after. We have completely forgotten in education that in the long run, a sound mind can only live in a sound body.t. Adolf Hitler
>Long lasting success in any human endeavor is never the result of blind luck. The achievement of a clearly defined goal, whether it be the act of walking from point "X" to point "Y", the building of a house, or the organization of a business, is always the product of three things: >>The intellectual ability to perceive the problem involved, the opposition which must be expected, and the best way to overcome that opposition to reach the goal. >>The will and determination to do whatever may be necessary to reach the desired goal, regardless of opposition. >>The physical means, strength, and courage to enforce and carry out the plan or fight conceived by the mind and determined by the will. >If any of these three elements be lacking on one's purpose, failure is the inevitable, predictable result. …
>On the other hand, civilizations, for all their intellectual achievements and sciences, perish most often because of failure of the will, the diminishing of the savage and ruthless drive for survival and dominance which originally created society. They become "humanitarian", selfish, and soft. They become physically weak and dependent on paid armies and police to do their fighting. The fighting spirit of honor and self-sacrifice and heroism of their ancestors gives way to a growing love of ease and luxury and cowardice masquerading as "humanitarianism". t. George Lincoln Rockwell