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First came Saturn, the old sun. A child of the earth and sky, he ruled the heavenly realm beyond the tree of life or axis mundii when he castrated his father and took the celestial throne. He birthed Venus in the foams of the cosmic sea. Mars, the scarred warrior god, was around even before. The battle of the gods in the sky is a record of planetary phenomena seen by neolithic peoples. When the Saturn/Venus/Mars/Earth system entered the heliosphere, Saturn flared and was the chief visible body in the sky. Then came Jupiter, with his lightning bolts, to dethrone his father and set free the others bound by his gravity. Mars was destroyed. Venus is still new. The planets were scattered around our new system. Saturn cast out to tartarus. Now even Jove has faded and we live in an age of Helios. Few remember the old god of humanity - El, Ra, Moloch, Cronos, Vishna, God the Father.