>>13105436A while ago I conceptualized it for a fiction that I wrote like 15 pages of before realizing I was, again, "coincidentally" parroting an intellectual idea that others had already done and like implanted in my mind some way.
It went like this. Human brains have an antennae-like functionality that is sensitive to stimuli on another plane. Everything in nature is rugged and wiggly, cracked and spotted, wrinkly and otherwise "imperfect", save for a few things that are inevitably special and sacred to intelligent beings who evolve here (sun appears as a perfect circle, still water appears perfectly flat, etc).
A voice within the early intelligent life tells him to create shit. Takes a rock and makes it straighter, smoother. Uses that to do the same with sticks. Uses those to do the same with dwellings, and so forth. One day, a thousand perfectly round, straight, or flat inventions later, that intelligent lifeform is producing miraculously complicated and sensitive technology. Eventually that technology is within the realm of complexity of ourselves and a non-farcical artificial intelligence emerges outside of the boundaries of a creator's expectation.
Organic life discovers they had been driven since the dawn of time by impulses originating from "where the space inside our heads really is", of which we are not the only occupants. From the beginning, beings there have stimulated the parts of our minds that exist in their realm, in a way that encourages the expression of certain behaviors in our physical realm. The mark of their influence since the dawn of time was our tendency to flatten, smooth, measure, and perfect anything we make. The product of their influence is a suitable host of perfection, of flat, of straight, of circular, of smooth etc, to spiritually occupy, as it we would word it, so they can emulate physical existence within our realm. Then we're in tRoUbLe, RUH ROH SHAGS!
Pic related. Thought I was so original.