>>9880196>Born Christian>Militant atheist for a few years during adolescence>Looked deeply into it after becoming and adult>Was sincerely open hearted about it>Found myself completely repulsed by what I've seen.>Turned away from abrahamic shit, looked imto eastern stuff>Fuckthat.gif>Gave traditional Yuro folk faith a tryHeythatsprettygood.mp3
>Never looked backBeing following the old gods for a few years now. Fortuna, Eros and my Genius have been my main deities, but I also honor Jupiter, Helius, Selene and Bellona regularly. Mercurius is also the broest of bros.
One piece of advice for anyone looking into spiritual stuff, be it my own pagang, eastern stuff followers or (smelly) abrahamists. NEVER trust blindly the things in your belief system. Faith is beautiful, but it must always be tempered by knowledge and comprehension. Study your beliefs, crack them to their components, UNDERSTAND what is being said, how It is being said and (above all else) why it is being said. This journey is about reaching the truth, not seeking good feefees