>>149685345. The understanding of the trinity is essential to understand the resurrection. God, Elohim – the plural God, resurrected Himself. Hebrew grammar can denote singular, dual, and plural (meaning three or more). Elohim is plural, meaning that the God described in the Torah is not singular, nor dual, but triple. Three Gods in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Allah, the false singular god, is not the God of the Torah.
6. Sin entered the world by man. The price of sin had to be paid by man. God lowered Himself to our level to do that which we could not. We are broken sinful creatures. There are none good among us. A perfect solution was required that only He could provide. To do less, and merely wink at sin whenever He chooses, as Allah, would have made Him an unjust God.
7. The cross is not the place of God’s ultimate defeat. It is the place of His ultimate victory! Sin is defeated! Death is defeated! We are ensured our eternal life WITH God, adopted as sons and daughters!
8. Why do we celebrate our God’s death? We don’t, though it would be easy to see it that way. Modern Christianity has downplayed the resurrection, even while still believing it. The focus is on the death to pay for sin. That is unfortunate because we know He is risen from the grave and waits for the day we join Him in heaven. It is necessary that we continue to wait as His invitation is extended to all until the appointed time our our redemption. Will you accept His invitation?
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