>>6885787well, I had bronchitis since day 1, I was actually hospitalised for something like a year when I was 2 or 3 years old, but I don't remember much from that time period apart from my mom getting me some stuff for me to play with.
every fucking year, if I catch a simple fucking cold, it turns to bronchitis, mainly because my lungs are even more prone to being irritated by the smoke cloud that I mentioned (if it's a cold night, and you go out to take a walk on the street, you can literary smell that fucking thing), hell, even when some cars pass by me, especially if it's some old box car from the 90s-80s it fucks me up pretty good for at least a minute.
>>6885820never had any real friends, really.
it just happened that I had the chance to ask her to do a physics assignment with her, and god, the time we spent together working on it, I hadn't felt like that in fucking years.
I would really like to have a friend that likes the stupid shit that I like to do.