>>20150960>[Well, THE Boston Crab has tasted defeat from THE Queen of the Beach.]Carolina has no idea what to even call that slam, but as her spine crashed to the canvas, the wind was knocked from her lungs (or maybe it was the soul from her body?). In the handful of seconds, no more than four or five, it took for THE Boston Crab to recover, the bell had rung and Duna Sands was victorious. Rolling to a seated position and then onto her knees, TBC looks up at Duna, celebrating her victory.
"Wall, ya did it, Doonah. Conga-raht-ya-lay-shuns. Ah guess youse was right."
"But ya gottah admit, Ah almost had ya dere."
"Whaddaya say, pal? Care ta shake a poor losah's hand?"