>>5735561>arabs>(((coffee broker)))Sit up and pay attention folks, we have here in this very thread a cog in the machine that is the true power behind the vatican.
>Coffee Was the “Devil’s Drink” Until One Pope Tried it and Changed History>“This Satan’s drink is so delicious that it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it.”>Pope Clement VIIII bet you faggots thought I was shit posting.
>In the 1600s coffee was wildly popular in the Ottoman Empire – so much so that Sultan Murad IV wanted to make the beverage illegal by decapitating anyone caught drinking coffee. Coffee is so addicting that even the threat of chopping off heads didn’t change coffee-drinkers’ habits. >As coffee was introduced to the streets of Venice and Rome, The Catholic Pope was pressured by his advisers to denounce coffee for its association with Islam and its fascinating effect on drinkers. His advisers called coffee a “bitter invention of Satan”.https://historyhustle.com/coffee-was-the-devils-drink-until-one-pope-tried-it-and-changed-history-2/This drink propelled the muslims in their demonic conquests. It is a lesser known fact of history that jews also rode the wave of islam and traveled with their armies to aid them in despoiling Christian lands. Once coffee spread into Europe with the corruption of the Holy See, the jewish merchants that brought it began to take over Europe. Where the muslim armies had failed, the yiddish merchant class prevailed with their bitter poison.