>>19583870>Not really. They shipped over 100k of them to Europe afterwards. They also didn't touch the original diaspora jewsAs slaves.
>They also had Jewish roman citizens, which didn't happen under ChristianityThe edict of Caracalla was 212 CE. As it's stated by Cassius Dio "the main reason Caracalla passed the law was to increase the number of people available to tax but not many were wealthy". However this was a bad move, doesn't mean that Romans practicing paganism were pro-jew by their belief system dummy
>Blatantly falseThere were more jews after christianity became mainstream then before
>The Saxons were oath breakersGiant cope. Charlagay set up 4500 unarmed Saxons for slaughter for refusing christianity.
>Paganism was retarded and dying on it's own anyways.That's your irrelevant gay jew opinion. It wasn't dying in any shape or form it was by force from the largest kingdom in Europe to be rid of.