>>14936246>Sophia is the feminine side of the true God in gnosticismThe "holy bitch" Sophia?
>In Gnosticism, Sophia is a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the feminine aspects of God. Gnostics held that she was the syzygy (female twin divine Aeon) of Jesus (i.e. the Bride of Christ), and Holy Spirit of the Trinity. She is occasionally referred to by the Hebrew equivalent of Achamōth (Ἀχαμώθ, Hebrew: חכמה chokhmah) and as Prunikos (Προύνικος). In the Nag Hammadi texts, Sophia is the lowest Aeon, or anthropic expression of the emanation of the light of God. She is considered to have fallen from grace in some way, in so doing creating or helping to create the material world>Ophite Gnostic version of Sophia, who is also called “Prunikos” meaning the “lewd one” as reported by Origen in Against Celsus>For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. —The Thunder, Perfect MindSeriously, did the Gnostics like that?