>>4344855Does this even need explaining at this point? White women are a raw deal in the West. Any woman younger than ~70 has been fully infected with the Marxist/feminist mind virus at this point, the odds of finding a potential mate in the white Western dating pool who isn't hardwired for r-selection (promiscuous, cheating, polygamous/hypergamous; ruled by emotions, dopamine response; no conception of survival necessity, risk avoidance and resource conservation; etc) is negligible at best. Add onto that the absurd amount of legal and social protection women receive that allows them to essentially take everything you own via divorce, have you thrown in jail via false rape accusations, etc and it's a transaction no sane individual would consider.
However, most men still feel the biological imperative to put their dick in something and reproduce, and Asian women still wired for good old-fashioned K-selection are the most acceptable alternative given that you can find ones who are decently attractive, have high IQs, are supportive/will drive you and in turn any potential offspring to succeed - these are all desirable genetic and social traits not typically found in white Western women at this point, plus marrying an Asian comes with the ancillary benefit of a passport to a less pozzed country/region, i.e. Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. As a cost/benefit analysis they're a safer bet.