>>9223862It's not hard to an hero. If you tie the knot right you should blank out in a matter of ten to twenty seconds. Put on some good music, kill the lights to set the mood and maybe light a candle. If you fuck up you'll be in agony for maybe 5 minutes but it will be the last five minutes of your life. Make sure you throw on a really good track.
The easiest method to hang by door knob is actually quite simple and often misunderstood. You throw the rope over the top of the door, tie one end to the opposite doorknob from the end you will be hanging from, then you let the noose hang over the top. Prop up a chair to reach the noose and set yourself in. There you go.
I have thought a lot lately about going out by 12 gauge. I still have enough money to buy a Mossberg. My mom wants me to get a job in the trades but I dont think anything is worth it at this point. Only thing holding me back is, well no decent part of me wants my mom to come home and see that I have pulled a Dawn of The Blackhearts.