>>2731349> 1) Drop coffee and drink tea... I was addicted to coffee and have a severe "brain fog". Now i'm really sharp and feel less.> 2) Meditate... I'm trying to follow what i call the "three foundational pillars of meditation" and are based on three simple excercises.> 2.1) Control.> 2.2) Visualization.> 2.3) Imagination.> ControlBasic meditation... Just go to a quiet nice place, stay in a comfortable position and try to clear your mind of any thought. Do it in sessions of 30-40 minutes at the beginning of the day, to sleep or when you are stressed out (near a deadline of faculty or work, etc).
> VisualizationThis form of meditation it's the next step to being able to clear your mind and is basically trying to retrieve what you want to retrieve and nothing else.
Try to remember your last day, or last three days, or last week. Start in a very general way and try to focus or get the details of specific moments of the day.
> ImaginationThis is the next step to visualization. Now is not about trying to retrieve with detail something that you actually visualized or experience, but to create something totally new.
For example, imagine a pictur, or a situation, playing a scene like if you were seeing a movie with your own actors.
Even better if you are a college student... Try to resolve some mathematic or physic problem JUST with your mind. No computer, no internet, no paper... Just with your imagination.
Start with basic problems and go harder and harder until you need to not just remember equations, properties and proofs, but actually "visualize" complex problems... For example using geometric arguments.
You could literally create a routine to train this three pillars the same way you create a routine to train your body.
I hope it helps.