>>21514582>SiriusThe ancients (among them: Cicero, Horace, Ptolemy, and Seneca) called it red or ‘coppery’ in color.
Seneca, in the days of Nero, called it “redder than Mars,” whereas he described Jupiter as “not at all red.”
However in the Tenth Century, Al Sufi did not include it among the stars he called ‘red.’ Presumably by that time the star had changed color from red to its present brilliant blue white.
>The ancients say something about a north star explodingSaturn used to occupy the North, thats why every chief deity of every Religion is living in the North.
>>21514583>decent Christiansno such thing, they are also Saturn worshippers. mostly unknowingly.
>>21514588Allah has long been recognized as corresponding to the Hebrew El and Elohim.
Like the holy of holies in Solomon's Temple, Allah's holiest shrine, the Ka'aba in Mecca, is also constructed in the shape of a cube, as its name in fact implies, one of the main characteristics of Saturnian temples.
>YHWH is El?yes both refer to Saturn.
>>21514596>Osiris, Horusthese are just more personas of Saturn.
same as Atum Ra and a bunch of other Deities.
its all Saturn Worship.
>Re being Saturn and not Sol doesn't make as much sense.Ra was worshipped as "the green one", is the Sun green? is the Sun stationary?
>>21514599during the capture event Jupiter did a couple flybys.