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Kasumi threw one of the bouncers of Xtacy into an alley.
His words were cut off by a straight right from Kasumi. She grabbed his collar and threw a couple more rights, until he swung back. Kasumi blocked it and reached into the rear of her belt. She pulled a knife and threw a quick stab at the bouncer's bicep.
His scream was cut off by Kasumi pressing her foot against the bouncer's throat.
>You're short. Cassie expects at least 30 shares of Rush to be sold a week. You met the quota for Oregano, sure, but what the FUCK am I supposed to tell her when her money isn't coming?
Kasumi pulled her foot back a bit to let the man cough.
"I-I-I thought I'd get busted sor-"
Kasumi pushed her foot against his throat again.
>Abso-FUCKING-lutely do NOT APOLOGIZE TO ME. I don't deal in mercy, I deal in RESULTS. What the fuck am I supposed to tell Cassie when she's short? Sorry? No the fuck I'm NOT. Beg or I'll make what she'll do to you look like a fucking joke.
Kasumi pressed her heel against the man's throat again for a second. He gagged and clutched his throat.
"I-I, w-what are, I...are you Kasumi? She can be a bitch but she's not this...cruel...
Kasumi smirked.
>Kasumi can be mean, sure. But cruel? No. That's Ms. O'Brian's job. That's *my* job. And you will address me as such IN THE FUTURE!
Kasumi stomped her foot into the bouncer's throat, who gagged and cluched over on all fours. Kasumi kicked him in the ass.
Kasumi screamed at him as he started to crawl, then run away. Kasumi looked at her suit. Bit of blood on it.
Kasumi pulled a wet wipe out from the inside of her suit and wiped it off. She then cracked her neck and smiled.
>Kasumi is far too soft for this sorta stuff...I'm glad *I* came to the forefront.