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Feminists are two-faced dogs. They will give Joe Normal a proper tongue-lashing (or worse, with the assistance of traitor cops) about his “attitude” toward wimmin. Then they’ll turn around and let Chad or Tyrone totally mistreat, abuse, rob, and rape them. Hence all the Harvey Weinsteins of this world. Then they turn ‘round again and take out all their pent-up frustration/hostility on Joe Normal, as if he had anything to do with it. A convenient arrangement, ladies. Of course, they can’t manipulate you if you don’t buy into it. Just like any other type of propaganda. Listen, I respect women more than anyone does. But it’s time they were put in their place. Feminism is just an excuse they use to justify irrational behavior. Ladies, you have cried “Wolf” one too many times. Now you find yourselves surrounded on all sides by the REAL wolves. So good luck with that shit.
Have a great life.