>>14169014das rite
https://old.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/r61j0i/elris_moves_from_hunus_entertainment_to_iok/yeah i didn't read all that crazy shit and only gave the lists a cursory glance cause i had to go out on a walk, i'll just check out his best of list to see if there's any good songs i've missed throughout the year. it's not unusual for him to rant about some pathetic shit. he's definitely lost the plot this year though. can't believe he put chikachikachuu kino on the worst list
>kpop is going to be dead to me within 3 years beyond a shadow of a doubti always knew this day was inevitable and was silently biding my time before i start calling you a grannyposter.
mafia is good and i actually think bonnie and clyde is a really good song but it being in english dooms it to be awful cringe instead.
>>14169041we do have fires actually, just not as big or threatening as yours. don't think anyone's died or any inhabited areas been burned down yet here.
>>14169144that's cause there's no r/irenemanfap reddit for you to worry about
based prudish leader