Quoted By:
> Before 2015: Indians were known as smart, spiritual, yoga types. Had good global reputation. Biggest democracy, even the harbinger of liberal democratic values in the east. Civilised Brown man
>2024: After a decade of India connecting with Western social media, Indians are now known as rapists, unhygienic, sexist, scammers, racists, uncivilised, casteist etc etc. People universally hate Indian migrants
The internet pretty much gave Indians a chance to air all their dirty laundry and now Indians are only seen in a negative light. You played yourselves idiots. The Government should have gone down the Chinese route and have your own firewall before all the mouthbreathers of India tarnished your reputation and soft power. You may think your people dominating western social media is a good because India stronk, but all that has done is shown what the true India really is to westerners. Now even white women who would have gone to your country on some hippy trail are staying away because of rape culture.
t. Pakistani