>>5501522Once again, the inversion is overt. Neither of these can realistically portray what they attempt to portray. Males can only emulate femininity, and females can only emulate masculinity. Only through acceptance of each gender's role can order be restored. They are complimentary.
As servants of the archons, the internationalist cabal (or whatever name you attribute to them) invert, but they go further. Gnosticism holds that material reality is essentially a dream/illusion/simulation. A false interpretation of the true reality that comes from the true god. You can actively see through media control how the elite themselves are forging their own false perception of reality within the people. They are false gods in a false reality creating a false reality within the false reality. Perception is far more powerful than we are lead to believe. Another trend you will see among these groups is transhumanism and immortalism. These people know what they are serving, and wish to live forever. Its a zero sum game to them, to die is to lose. Beyond that the push for transhumanism in the general population (things such as uploading your mind to a computer) is an attempt to keep as many people as separated from god as they are able. I would argue this even entails permanent separation from the true god (hell).
I am trying to think of more to write about, maybe it will come to me shortly, but as a short humorous aside, I want to touch on why the left can't meme. This is because leftism in general is anti-order and anti-nature. This is displayed through their inversions of power structures and the like. Most of these people have willingly cut themselves off from god and creative energy. They cannot CREATE memes, they can only INVERT. If you keep this in mind, it starts to give a model to the trend in their lack of creativity.
tl;dr Whereever you find inversion, you will find the source to be servants whether willing or unknowing of material reality's keeper.