>>12592421>What is White Boy Summer?White Boy Summer is an unapologetic, no holds barred celebration of being white and enjoying what life has to offer as best as you can. White Boy Summer is all about having a good time, lifting weights and being a straight up alpha.
>When does White Boy Summer start?In essence White Boy Summer is a state of mind, it starts whenever you want it to start and it lasts for as long as you make it last.
>B-b-b-b-b-but muh wigger!!!!What Chet does is up to Chet, what you make of White Boy Summer is entirely up to you. Don't like rap? Listen to something else. He is right about the salmon coloured shirts though, those have no place in White Boy Summer.
>B-b-b-b-b-but muh race mixing!!!!Don't like exotic pussy? Get whatever kind of pussy you like. You don't have to fuck black chicks if you don't want to, the point is for you to go out there and CONQUER like the white man has done for millennia.
>B-b-b-b-b-but muh psyop!!!!Yeah I'm sure the jews would absolutely hate it if you spent your summer indoors debating trannies instead of going outside, having fun and getting laid.
>B-b-b-b-b-but boy is demeaning!!!It's a trojan horse, it allows White Boy Summer to slip under the radar because it's not threatening. You could call it a White Power Summer, but that would hardly get the normies on board. In addition to that words get their meaning from convention, if White Boy Summer gets associated with being jacked, slaying pussy and being an alpha in general, that's what people will think of when they hear White Boy Summer.
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