>>18288304>So many people found lucrative work in Libya back when Yugoslavia was still a thingLibya is a petrostate. Always was. When oil prices are high, it had the illusion of prosperity.
>Gaddafi himself was very outspoken about his political position, and it is an open secret that the west wanted him deader than dead.I admitted there was an opportunistic element.
>He even called out the immigration waves decades in advance.Yeah, it was Libya keeping Pakistanis from taking boats to Greece.
>don't run from your prize, Has anyone ever provided reason to believe that Gaddafi would've won the civil war absent NATO intervention? If you're competent, aerial bombardment alone won't cost you a counterinsurgency.
>you were eager enough to claim it So America did single-handedly win World War II, like we claim? Or perhaps claims aren't reality.
>the oppression of their future>he says, shilling for a dictator, in a thread about support for another dictator, in the implicit context of another military dictatorship being born in Africa