>## Rules:----
>1. **4chan only** Do NOT post anything other than 4chan screenshots. Do NOT link directly to
4chan.org. Do NOT post anything from unrelated websites. Your post must be a screencap of a 4chan thread, not a 4chan meme, or meta-discussion about 4chan.
>2. **Only post new material with timestamp** Do NOT post screencaps over a year old, and do NOT omit the date and time stamp. Those posts belong in [/r/classic4chan](
>3. **Crop your posts properly** Do NOT crop your post poorly. Do NOT crop out the date (3 min ago is NOT a date).
>4. **No Redditry** Do NOT act like a basic reddit bitch. This includes cliche reddit phrases, subreddit mentions, puns, song lyrics, novelty accounts, getting lots of karma on a single post, and other dummy things that make you a manchild.
E.g. not my proudest fap, [/r/theydidthemath](
https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath), I did nazi that coming, tOxIc, is this the real life, is this just fantasy, /u/[somethingstupid], any mention of upvotes, etc.
>5. **No doxxing** Do NOT reveal personal information, or post 4chan screenshots, that contain personal information of an individual. Do not post 4chan screenshots of Reddit account names.
>## Mods Statement:----
>We personally severely dislike reddit and everyone who frequents it. We believe it's a shitty, destructive echo chamber that does public harm as an internet publisher. We think this website discourages real interpersonal communication, and encourages addict-like consumption.