>>9257103It's that the whole atheism is made by people that are willingly ignoring logic.
If an idiot doesn't understand it's not his fault.
A sane person should be able to understand.
But when presented with metaphysical arguments all of them suddenly close the doors.
So it's useless.
That there MUST be a God can be understood by the simple fact that a rock falls on the ground or, but, it's a complicated subject for brainlets, that something exists.
Of all of that comes that atheism is a religion.
That all of you stick to a dogma, that instead of being logically sustainable as Deism, is rooted in a blind Faith, willingly ignorant and illogical.
It also underline the lack of humility, the submission of the person to the reality, it is pride.
Pride and from that delusion and from that disobedience and from that sin and from that damnation.