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TL:DR; I have the perfect asian girlfriend but I've always wanted to have white children in the future.
I'm torn on what to do. For 2 years I've been with this wonderful asian girl.
- we laugh at stereotypes of kikes
- she wants nothing to do with niggers and practically hates them, thinks saying nigger is hilarious
- She's from russia so she has a complete trad wife culture about her, likes to cook clean etc.
- She's working on her business masters
- Plays vidya and I mean games like civ 4 and baratrauma type games with me.
- not fat and is pretty damn good looking
If you took her brain and stuck it in a white girls body, she'd be the absolute perfect 10/10 dream girl but the one thing that erks me all the time is that she's asian.
I really want white children. It was one of those things that wasn't supposed to last but did, now I'm 2 years in a relationship and I don't know how to feel about things.
I'm kind of just going with things to see if maybe it'll crash and burn naturally but she's pretty obsessed with me for some reason.
A part of me loves the dichotomy we have and another is terrified that it'll continue to the point of having children.
What do you niggers think about a situation like this.