>>21361842Today's price action has completely beclowned both bears and bulls. Every model of the next 6 months I've constructed has just been dismantled by the yield re-inversion and fake ass job report. This is pure talmudic fuckery the likes of which exceeds my wildest fantasies. It is not enough that all kikes should be killed, they must all be slowly cooked alive in a giant iron skillet cast in the shape of Jesus's erect penis, their souls trapped in dreamcatchers that were owned by the chuddiest chuds and the most rabid rabbis so that they can all live out the most deranged fictional holocaust ever conceived like groundhog day in the afterlife until the sun explodes.
My hands are shaking with pure Hitler particles. I hate jews in this moment more than I have in any previous moment of my short 30 year life.