>>10222252As the camera zooms out of the classroom, the graffiti on the wall reads Psalm 23 (pic related) another reason together with the flower why I don't think the makers of the vid are the bad guy
As it zooms out more you can see two towers collapsing, these are the twin towers
You see some dude jump in the water as it pans out, idk but open to suggestions
Next part is a short few frames of Jesus in a boat, which then immediately switches too Bin Laden
Now the reason I don't think boat Jesus is the anti Christ is because in this vid that role is being filled by this bin laden with black wings and a red crescent moon
Funilly enough Bin Laden is wearing a CIA symbol on his camo
Next is really interesting with current oil prices, oil leaking into the ocean might imply this vid predicted this, oil prices are negative, it is being 'dumped'
The torch falling from the statue of liberty implies the fall off liberty, seems to call out the Jews
The next bit might be more bible symbolism, the beast waiting the birth of the Christ to devour him as he is born
Another is the government keeping tabs and desiring to control us from our birth
Maybe both
Finally it goes back to Jesus, I think this implies that as the world grows dark, it is a sign of the Messiah to return
The next bit shows a broken child, this is I feel symbolic of the beast using technology to keep people demotivated, or even depressed, it might even imply that a staged economical crash was the way how as seen by the eye reflections of the kid
Next bit is a mosque exploding, probably an allegory to wars in the middle east
The heart of Jesus catches fire, righteous anger. After that what seems like a Muslim woman mourning over her child, again war in the middle east
The next part with the kid with red eyes, that's probably a child being molested by the larger figure in the same frame, which is implied by the unwrapping of the boe bow around the kids leg